最全汇总:神经科 13 类疾病名称及英文缩写


1、周围神经疾病  Peripheral neuropathy 

三叉神经痛 Trigeminal neuralgia

颞颌关节综合征 Coston syndrome

Bell 麻痹 Bell palsy

亨特综合征 Hunt syndrome

面肌痉挛 Facial spasm

前庭神经元炎 Vestibular neuronitis

良性阵发性位置性眩晕 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV

舌咽神经痛 Glosspharyngeal neuralgia

肘管综合征 Cubital tunnel syndrome

坐骨神经痛 Sciatica

股外侧皮神经炎 Lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis

臂丛神经痛 Brachial neuralgia

特发性臂丛神经痛 Parsonage-Turner 综合征

多数性单神经病 Mononeuropathy multiplex

多发性神经病 Polyneuropathy

遗传性共济失调性周围神经病 Refsum 病

Churg-Strauss 综合征 Churg-Strauss syndrome,CSS

急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病 acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy,AIDP

吉兰-巴雷 Guillain Barre syndrome,GBS

急性运动轴索性神经病 Acute motor axonal neuropathy,AMAN

急性运动感觉轴索性神经病 Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy,AMSAN

Miller-Fisher 综合征  Miller-Fisher syndrome,MFS

急性泛自主神经病 Acute panautonomic neuropathy

急性感觉神经病 Acute neuropathy,ASN

急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuritis,CIDP

感觉运动神经病 Sensory motor neuropathy,SMNP


脊髓半切综合征 Brown-Sequard syndrome

脊髓炎 Myelitis

脊髓病 Myelopathy

急性脊髓炎 Acute myelitis

人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 1 型相关脊髓病 HTLV-1 associated myelopathy,HAM

亚急性坏死性脊髓炎 Subacute necrotizing myelitis

压迫性脊髓病 Compressive myelopathy

亚急性联合变性 Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord,SCD

非恶性贫血型联合系统变性 Combined systemic degeneration of non-pernicious anemia type

脊髓空洞症 Syringomyelia

延髓空洞症 Syringobulbia

脊髓血管病 Vasular disease of the spinal cord

动静脉畸形 Arteriovenous malformation,AVM

脊髓间歇性跛行 Intermittent claudication of the spinal cord

脊髓静脉高压综合征 Venous hypertensive myelopathy,VHM

纤维软骨性栓塞 Fibrocartilaginous embolism

3、脑血管疾病 Cerebrovascular disease

短暂性脑缺血发作 Transient ischemic attack,TIA

短暂性全面遗忘症 Transient global amnesia,TGA

脑梗死 Cerebral infarction

缺血性脑卒中 Cerebral ischemic stroke

延髓背外侧综合征 Wallenberg syndrome

闭锁综合征 Locked-in syndrome

基底动脉尖综合征 Top of the basilar syndrome,TOBS

脑栓塞 Cerebral embolism

心源性脑栓塞 Cardiogenic cerebral embolism

出血性梗死 Hemorrhagic infarction,HI

腔隙性脑梗死 Lacunar infarction

脑分水岭梗死 Cerebral watershed infarction,CWSI

边缘带梗死 Border zone infarction

脑出血 Intracerebral hemorrhage,ICH

脑淀粉样血管病 Cerebral amyloid angiophthy,CAA

蛛网膜下腔出血 Subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH

颅内静脉系统血栓形成 Cerebral venous thrombosis,CVT

海绵窦血栓形成 Cavernous sinus thrombosis

上矢状窦血栓形成 Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis

侧窦血栓形成 Lateral sinus thrombosis

烟雾病 Moyamoya

脑盗血综合征 Steal syndrome

锁骨下动脉盗血综合征 Subclavian steal syndrome

颈动脉盗血综合征 Carotid steal syndrome

椎基底动脉盗血综合征 Vertebrobasilar steal syndrome

伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病(Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy,CADASIL)

伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体隐性遗传性脑动脉病(Cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy,CARASIL)

动脉夹层 Artery dissection

原发性中枢神经系统血管炎 Primary angitis of central nervous system,PACNS

中枢神经系统肉芽肿性血管炎 Gramulomatous angitis of the CNS,GACNS

血管性痴呆 Vascular dementia,VaD

血管性认知功能障碍 Vascular cognitive impairment,VCI

多梗死性痴呆 Multi-infarct dementia,MID

皮质下血管性痴呆 Subcortical vascular dementia

关键部位梗死性痴呆 Strategic infarct dementia

4、中枢神经系统感染性疾病 Central nervous system,CNS

单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎 Herpes simplex virus encephalitis,HSE

单纯疱疹病毒 Herpes simplex virus,HSV

巨细胞病毒性脑炎 Cytomegalovirus encephalitis,CMVE

巨细胞病毒 Cytomegalovirus,CMV

病毒性脑炎  Virus encephalitis

亚急性硬化性全脑炎 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,SSPE

进行性多灶性白质脑病 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy,PML

化脓性脑膜炎 Purulent meningitis

结核性脑膜炎 Tuberculous meningitis,TBM

隐球菌性脑膜炎 Cryptococcal meningitis

朊蛋白病 Prion disease

朊蛋白 Prion

Creutzfeldt-Jakob 病 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,CJD

皮质-纹状体-脊髓变性 Corticostriatal-spinal degeneration

亚急性海绵状脑病 Subacute spongiform encephalopathy

新变异型 Creutzfeldt-Jakob 病 New variance of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,nvCJD

Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker 病 Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker,GSS

Kuru 病 Kuru disease

家族性致死性失眠症 Fatal familial insomnia,FFI

中枢神经系统寄生虫感染 Central nervous system parasitic infection

脑囊虫病 Cerebral cysticercosis

脑型血吸虫病 Brain schistosomiasis

脑型肺吸虫病 Cerebral paragonimiasis

脑型疟疾 Cerebral malaria

神经梅毒 Neurosyphilis

神经莱姆病 Lyme disease

钩端螺旋体病 Leptospirosis


多发性硬化 Multiple sclerosis,MS

视神经脊髓炎 Neuromyelitis optica,NMO

视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders,NMOSDs

长节段横断性脊髓炎 Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis,LETM

复发性孤立性视神经炎 Recurrent isolated opticneuritis,RION

双侧视神经炎 Bilateraloptic neuritis,BON

急性播散性脑脊髓炎 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis,ADEM

急性出血性白质脑炎 Acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis,AHLE

同心圆性硬化 Concentric sclerosis

渗透性脱髓鞘综合征 Osmotic demyelination syndrome,ODS

脑桥中央髓鞘溶解症 Central pontine myelinolysis,CPM

脑桥外髓鞘溶解症 Extrapontine myelinolysis,EPM

可逆性后部白质脑病综合征 Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome,RPLS

肾上腺脑白质营养不良 Adrenoleukodystrophy,ALD

异染性脑白质营养不良 Metachromatic leukodystrophy,MLD

6、运动障碍性疾病 Movement disorders

帕金森病 Parkinson’s disease,PD

震颤麻痹 Paralysis agitans

肝豆状核变性 Hepatolenticular degeneration,HLD

威尔逊病 Wilson’s disease,WD

小舞蹈病 Chorea minor

Sydenham 舞蹈病  Sydenham chorea

亨廷顿病 Huntington disease,HD

肌张力障碍 Dystonia

原发性震颤 Essential tremor,ET

扭转痉挛 Torsion spasm

眼睑痉挛 Blepharospasm

口-下颌肌张力障碍 Oromandibular dystonia

痉挛性斜颈 Spasmodic torticollis

手足徐动症 Athetosis

书写痉挛 Writer’s cramp

多巴反应性肌张力障碍 Dopa-responsive dystonia,DRD

发作性运动障碍 Paroxysmal dyskinesias

迟发性运动障碍 Tardive dyskinesia,TD

僵人综合征 Stiff-person syndrome

抽动秽语综合征 Multiple tics-coprolalia syndrome


癫痫 Epilepsy

缺氧缺血性脑病 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,HIE

不典型失神发作 Atypical absences

肌阵挛 Myoclonus

自动症 Automatism

痴笑性发作 Gelastic seizure

颞叶癫痫 Temporal lobe epilepsy

额叶癫痫 Frontal lobe epilepsy

枕叶癫痫 Occipital lobe epilepsy

顶叶癫痫 Parietal lobe epilepsy

症状性癫痫 Secondary epilepsy

癫痫持续状态 Status epilepticus,SE

偏侧惊厥-偏瘫-癫痫综合征 Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome,HHE

假性发作 Pseudoseizures

惊厥性晕厥 Syncope

连续部分性癫痫持续状态 Epilepsia partialia continua,EPC

边缘性癫痫持续状态 Limbic status epilepticus

8、头痛  Headache

偏头痛 Migraine

紧张型头痛 Tension-type headache,TTH

丛集性头痛 Cluster headache

三叉自主神经性头痛 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias,TACs

药物滥用性头痛 Medication-overuse headache,MOH

低颅压性头痛 Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid pressure

脑脊液漏头痛 CSF fistula headache

腰穿后头痛 Post-dural puncture headache

9、神经系统变性疾病 Neurodegenerative diseases

运动神经元病 Motor neuron disease,MND

进行性肌萎缩 Progressive muscular atrophy,PMA

进行性延髓麻痹 Progressive bulbar palsy,PBP

原发性侧索硬化 Primary lateral sclerosis,PLS

肌萎缩侧索硬化 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS

多灶性运动神经病 Multifocal motor neuropathy,MMN

脊肌萎缩症 Spinal muscle atrophy,SMA

阿尔茨海默病 Alzheimer’s disease,AD

路易体痴呆 Dementia with Lewy bodies,DLB

额颞叶变性 Frontotemporal lobar degeneration,FTLD

额颞叶痴呆 Frontotemporal dementia,FTD

语义性痴呆 Semantic dementia,SD

帕金森病痴呆 Parkinson disease with dementia,PDD

帕金森综合征 Parkinsonism

多系统萎缩 Multiple system atrophy,MSA

纹状体黑质变性 Striatonigral degeneration,SND

橄榄脑桥小脑萎缩 Olivopontocerebellar atrophy,OPCA

小脑性共济失调 Cerebellar ataxia

皮质基底节变性 Corticobasal degeneration,CBD

血管性帕金森综合征 Vascular Parkinsonism,VP


遗传性共济失调 Hereditary ataxia,HA

常染色体显性小脑共济失调 Autosomal dominant cerebella ataxia,ADCA

Friedreich 共济失调 Friedreich ataxia,FRDA

脊髓小脑性共济失调 Spinocerebellar ataxia,SCA

遗传性痉挛性截瘫 Hereditary spastic paraplegia,HSP

神经纤维瘤病 Neurofibromatosis,NF

结节性硬化症 Tuberous sclerosis,TS

神经皮肤综合征 Neurocutaeous syndrome

脑面血管瘤病 Encephalo-facial angiomatosis


重症肌无力 Myasthenia,MG

周期性瘫痪 Periodic paralysis

低钾型周期性瘫痪 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis

高钾型周期性瘫痪 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis

正常钾型周期性瘫痪 Normokalemic periodic paralysis

多发性肌炎 Polymyositis

进行性肌营养不良  Progressive muscular dystrophy,PMD

强直性肌营养不良  Myotonic muscular dystrophy,DM

先天性肌强直 Myotonia congenita

线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes,MELAS

脂质沉积性肌病 Lipid storage myopathy,LSM

糖原贮积病 Glucogen storage disease,GSD


雷诺病 Reynaud’s disease

红斑肢痛症 Erythromelagia

面偏侧萎缩症 Hemifacial atrophy

全身自主神经功能不全 Pandysautonomia

自发性多汗症 Spontaneous hyperhidrosis

进行性脂肪营养不良 Progressive lipodystrophy

13、副肿瘤神经综合征 Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes,PNS

Lambert-Eaton 肌无力综合征 LEMS

副肿瘤性小脑变性 Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration,PCD

副肿瘤性脑脊髓炎 Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis,PEM

副肿瘤性感觉神经元病 Paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathy,PSN

边缘叶脑炎 Limbic encephalitis,LE

抗 NMDA 受体脑炎 Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis

亚急性运动神经元病 Subacute motor neuronopathy,SMN



贾建平, 陈生弟, 崔丽英. 神经病学(第 8 版)[M]. 北京, 人民卫生出版社,2018.08.

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